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Our business

Our offer is unique and complete in its kind, we have selected the best hardware and software products on the Italian and international market and we have equipped them with our installation and maintenance services provided directly by our technical assistance division. We are able to provide consulting and technical support services for document scanners starting from the mobile, desktop, workgroup, network, departmental to production, book scanners, microfilm scanners, microfiche scanners, scanners for large formats, flatbed scanners, cultural heritage scanners, x-ray plate scanners and other hardware.

We offer hardware products, software and services as part of a single offer package:

We analyze the specific needs of the Customer or the requirements requested by an RDO or in a public tender to advise which scanner to buy or identify the most suitable model for the MEPA tender.

  • We prepare comparative tables between products and it is also possible to generate them directly from our website.
  • We supply both scanners and application software, which saves time and above all protects against wrong choices.
  • As with any other hardware, scanners require installation, regular maintenance, and replacement of consumables due to normal wear and tear. We provide dedicated technical staff who are experienced and responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of scanners, and we serve as a point of contact for all supply management needs.
  • We always have the right price and with the offer registered in the customer's name we guarantee that that price is only released to that partner.
  • Upon reaching sales volumes and for certain products it is possible to receive rebates.
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Innovate Italia S.r.l., via della Maglianella, 65 E/H - 00166 Roma, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A.: 13309131004
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